Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Yokai: The kijimunā


                                                   kijimunā from  Interviews with Monster Girls,




The name comes from an old Okinawan village, Kijimuka
Another names is sēma, bunagaya


The southern island chain of Okinawa is home to yōkai that can not found anywhere else in Japan.



The kijimunā are small elf like beings creature that live in the banyan trees that grow all over the Ryukyu archipelago.

Physically, kijimunā are about the same height as a human child, with bright  and thick  red hair, and red tinted skin. They wear skirts made of grass, and move about by hopping instead of walking. Although kijimunā retain the appearance of child-like youthfulness into their adulthood, males are noted for their large and prominent testicles.

Thier social structure is similar to human society, they fish along the shores, live in family groups, get married, and raise children the same way as everyone else. On rare occasions, they marry into human families.

Their diet consists entirely of seafood. They are excellent fishers, and are particularly skilled at diving. 

Kijimunā use both these skills to catch their favorite dish: fish heads—specifically the head of the snapper species called the double-lined fusilier.

They are especially fond of fish eyes, even preferring the left eye over the right. Okinawans attribute eyeless corpses of fish found on the beach to
picky kijimunā.

They also have a number of off or peculiar fears and prejudices. They loathe chickens and cooking pots. They are extremely put off by people passing gas.(But who isn't lol)

However, the thing they hate above all else is the octopus. They avoid octopuses at all costs, despising them and fearing them at the same time.


Kijimunā often help fishermen catch fish, or aid humans in other ways in return for a cooked meal. 

When they form friendships with humans,
it can last for a lifetime. Kijimunā will often return to their human friends many times, even spending holidays with their adopted family.

Unprovoked attacks on humans are rare, but Cutting down the banyan tree they live is a sure way to earn their wrath.


Kijimunā once wronged have been known to murder livestock, sabotage boats so they sink while their owners are far out at sea, or even magically trap people in
hollow trees from which they cannot escape.

Sometimes they press down on peoples’ chests while they sleep, or snuff out lights during the night. Once angered, a kijimunā can never be assuaged.

The hold a lifelong grudge, so Its best to stay on their good side.

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