Thursday, March 18, 2021

Monsters, Cryptids and Yokai; The Hashihime



                          Pic by Grace iu on artstation..


 Hashihime: The Maiden of the Bridge  or Lady of teh Bridge


Hashihime (橋姫, Hashihime) is a yokai that first appeared in the Heian-period literature.

The hash'i from Hashihime means 'bridge', while hime means 'princess', therefore her name meaning "bridge princess". However, the word airashi (pretty, adorable) can also be said hashi, so her name has the second meaning of "charming princess". 




Hashihime are insanely jealous goddesses who inhabit bridges — in particular, very old and very long bridges. 

As goddesses, hashihime they can take different forms depending on the occasion, however they are commonly depicted wearing white robes, white face-paint, an iron trivet, and carrying five candles. This is a ceremonial outfit used to perform curses. 


Hashihime ferociously guard the bridges they inhabit. 


As with most gods connected to a location, they are very competitive and jealous. 

If one praises or speaks positively about another bridge while on top of a hashihime’s bridge, or if one recites lines from certain Noh plays that feature a woman’s wrath as the main theme, something terrible is likely to happen to that person.

Despite their fearsome nature, they are highly honored by the people who live nearby, and shrines are established in their honor near the bridges they inhabit. In times of war, residents will beseech their local hashihime to guard the bridge against invaders. In times of peace, hashihime are goddess of separation and severing, and are asked to aid people in things such as break-ups, divorce, and severing bad luck. So strong is their power of severing that it is considered taboo for lovers to pass in front of a hashihime shrine together, or for wedding processions to pass in front of one. If newlyweds need to cross a bridge inhabited by a hashihime, 

they will instead pass underneath it on a boat rather than risk cursing their marriage. 



The most famous hashihime story comes from Tsurugi no Maki, in The Tale of the Heike, and is retold in the noh play Kanawa.

A woman visited the the Kifune-jinja in Kyoto at the hour of the ox (roughly 2 am), filled with rage and jealousy towards her ex-husband who had thrown her away for another woman. Night after night she visited the shrine, praying to the gods enshrined there to turn her into a powerful demon. The woman wanted nothing else other than to see her ex-husband destroyed, even at the cost of her own life. After seven nights of pilgrimage, her prayers were answered: the gods told her that if she immersed herself in the Uji river for twenty-one nights, she would become a living demon.

The woman did as she was told. She donned a white robe and tied her hair up into five horns. She painted her face and covered her body in crimson dye. She placed an upturned trivet on her head and attached torches to each foot. She lit a torch on both ends and placed it in her mouth. She immersed herself in the Uji river and for twenty-one days she kindled the hatred in her heart. Then, just as the gods told her, after twenty-one days she transformed into a terrible kijo with supreme power. She had become the hashihime of Uji.



 That night, her husband awoke from a horrible dream with a premonition of danger. He quickly sought out the famous onmyōji, Abe-no-Seimei. Seimei recognized the dream as a sign that the man’s former wife would come and destroy the couple that very night, and promised to save them. He went to their house, recited magical prayers, and crafted two katashiro — magical paper doll representations of the man and his wife, meant to be used as substitutionary targets for the kijo’s rage. That night, as Seimei had predicted, the demon appeared. She attacked the two katashiro instead of the real couple, and Seimei’s magic worked: her power was reflected back upon her and she was driven away. The demon woman, realizing that she could not overcome Abe-no-Seimei’s magic, vanished, threatening that she would come back another time. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

Monsters, Cryptids and Yokai, Russian folklor, Alkonost, Gamayun and Shishiga


 ......................Today's post is mostly Russian based siren and harpy like cryptids.................


pic is by Viktor Vasnetsov's Sirin (left) and Alkonost (right) Birds of Joy and Sorrow (1896)


Russian myths..

The Alkonost, Gamayun and Shishiga..




In  Russian folklore the Alkonost is a woman-headed bird similar to the Greek Sirens
dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices
to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island..

Like the sirens the Alkonost is said to have a beautiful voice and those who hear these sounds
forget everything they know and want nothing more ever again.

The Alkonost lays her eggs on a beach and then rolls them into the sea. When the  eggs hatch, a thunderstorm
sets in and the sea becomes so rough that it's impossible to traverse.
She is also related to other birds like beings in Slavic mythology, namely the Rarog and Stratim.

The name Alkonost is derived from a Greek demigoddess named Alcyone.

In Greek mythology, Alcyone was transformed by the gods into a kingfisher....


The Gamayun...

the Gamayun is usually depicted as a large bird with a woman's head, again simiar to the sirens.

Like the Alkonost, the gamayun is believed to originate from the Greek folklore and siren mythology.

However unlike the dangerous and often malevolent sirens, the Gamayun is a being of prophecy in Russian folklore. She  is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

She is said to live on an island in the mythical east, close to paradise.

According to legends she spread divine messages and prophecies, and she knows everything of all creation,  gods, heroes, and man.


 and our third cryptid is the Shishiga..

Shishiga are  sometimes called leshenka .


She is a female swamp (or forest) creature similar to the wood-goblin.

She  is often  described as, white, nude, and has tousled  hair.

She is known to harass people and bring misfortune to the drunkards.

She is also an  important figure in the mythology of the Komi people.

The Shishiga supposedly lives in the Kama River and often goes to the shore to comb her hair.

Seeing her is considered a very bad omen, as those who do sees her will soon drown or die by another cause.

The Shishiga also shares some similarity to the story of Artemis and Actaeon from  Greek mythology..




Monday, March 1, 2021

Monster's, Cryptid's and Yokai: Giants of South Texas.





Fee-fi-fo-fum, i smell the blood of an Englishman......

I'm sure most of you have heard the story of Jack and the bean stock..
Today we talk about GIANTS...

From myth and folklore and even the Bible, history is full of stories and encounters with Giants.

No matter where you go in the world, you are almost guaranteed to hear about
giants in some form or another.

                                                 ----Giant foot print in South Africa -



David vs Goliath and The nephilim in biblical accounts.

The jotunn (Ice Giants) of Norse's mythology  and to an extent mountain trolls, though trolls even the largest are  still considered a different spices then actual giant's.

The Titans of Greek mythology

As well as countless other fairy tails are full of giants and in more modern times there where
accounts of a deadly encounter involving the US Military and a very large red haired giant in the Kandahar  region of Afghanistan a few  years ago.


                                                 ===Kandahar Giant ---------


Various US Indian tribes have legends of cannibal giants that once roamed the country.



                                          =========Lovelock cave in Nevada

Similar  myths can be found in every corner of the globe.

During the late 1800's and early 1900's archeologists excavating old burial mounds would find very large skeletons on  a somewhat regular bases, there are numerous old newspaper article regarding this subject, strangely enough every specimen  discovered was almost always sent away to the Smithsonian museum, where they soon disappeared , or were stolen  just before arrive, the Smithsonian admitted to destroying giant artifacts back in the early 90's.. 

I will be adding more post's regarding Giants, dwarf's and even a horned skull  eventually.

Areas of The US that have found Giant remains and other odd skulls skeletons etc..



Now on to the main subject of this entry...

Today's post is about a massive skull unearthed near Victoria Texas in 1939.

The skull  was discovered during a large scale archaeological excavation at the Morhiss Mound,
near  the Guadalupe River a short distance south of Victoria in Texas.


The Morhiss Mound , which measured 15 feet height, 319 feet long and 168 feet wide in the middle was  found seven miles southeast of Victoria on land owned at the time by  Patrick Welder and Tom Joshua.

Work began on the Morhiss excavation in June of 1932 and lasted for most of that summer with at least 10 separate  burial findings within the mound, and  36 perfects artifact specimens being collected.

The most sensational find of the entire expedition in the area was discovered when an undergraduate student  unearthed the complete skeleton of a man that could be all accounts be called a giant, Though no specific size was given  on the actual length of the skeleton, photos of the head show it to be almost twice the size of a normal human  skull.

The following is the full article from the photograph above..


the article from 1940:

That Texas "had a giant in the beach" in the long ago appears probable from the large skull recently unearthed on  a mound in Victoria County, believed to be the largest human skull ever found in the United Estates and probably in the world.
Twice the size of the skull of a normal man, the fragments were dug up by W. Duffen, archeologist who is excavating the mound
in Victoria County under a WPA project sponsored by the University of Texas.

In the same mound and at the same level, a normal sized skull was found. The pieces taken from the mound were reconstructed in  the WPA laboratory under the supervision of physical anthropologist.

A study is being made to determine whether the huge skull was that of a man belonging to a tribe of extraordinary large men,  or whether the skull was that of an abnormal member of a tribe, a case of gigantism.

Several large human bones have been unearthed at the site.

Marcus B. Goldstein, physical anthropologist, employed on the WPA project, formerly was an aide of Alen Horliken, curator of the  National Museum of Physical Anthropology.

Finds made through excavations in Texas are beginning to give weight to the theory that man lived in Texas 40,000 years ago.


The site was first  excavated by archaeologists from the University of Texas during a preliminary dig in 1932 fallowed by larger scale excavation
in 1938-1940.

The archaeologist William A. Duffen lead the excavation
He had a large team of 30-40 WPA-paid workers with him, he and his team finished the initial fieldwork, just before the start of World War II,  and the site has never been fully analyzed and properly reported to this day.

There were several burial mounds excavated at the the turn of the last century, each yielding bones and sometimes large skeletons and even mummified remains of giants, 8 - 12+ feet in height. No doubt there are any number of them still reaming in mounds across the country's ,though it is now illegal to dig on any of them as they are classified as Indian Burial sits, though I've yet to hear of a tribe full of 8 foot tall inhabitants.

Long story short the government dose not want anything dug up that can not be explained under the version of history we currently go  by, and proof  of things thought to be little more them myth would at the very least make people question what else is out there waiting
to be discovered and at the worst force a full rewriting of history..

More post on this subject and other strange skulls / skeletons to come....
Thanks for stopping bye :)

