Sunday, February 7, 2021

Mythology : The Xana:



                              pic above is Xana (Lamia, John William Waterhouse, 1909)

Continuing with the Febuary theme of love, sex or seduction, today's post is about the Xana.

The Xana is an alluring female water sprite, she is said to be very beauty and is believed to
live in fountains, rivers, waterfalls or other mountain or forested area's with a pure water


Like most beings Xana's can be  depicted enter good or evil.

She may  appear as a beautiful young woman with long flowing blonde hair. 


These xana are usually the ones thought to posses a treasure or be  under a spell or curse.

In the more evil version, she will steal children and enter homes to attack, robe or otherwise torment her victims. in these cases she is said too look smaller very thin and dark-colored.

A xana will always appear in or near a fresh water source, well's springs, rivers ect, and in many cases she will promise treasures or assistance  to those that can lift a curse she may be under.

But not all xana are kind, some xanas will attack people and steal their food or money.

They are also said to  reside in fountains and caves.

A xana can be a beneficial spirit, offering water, love or even rewards of large sum's of gold or silver to travelers they find worthy through some
undefined judgment.

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