Thursday, January 7, 2021

Japanese Yokai, Basan the fire bird yokai



                                           Basan (波山, Basan) is a  bird like yokai.

 The Basan is a fire type yokai, It resembles chicken   and is said to live in the mountains of Iyo Province.

This litte chicky will never be fried, KFC can't handle the heat  lol


By most accounts the Basan is said to  resembles a large chicken and breathes aa ghostl fire from it's mouth. 

Due to the fire having a temperature similar to that of a will-o-wisp, it does not actualy burn . Its also believed that if a person hears the bird flapping its wings and looks outside, the bird vanishes

Basan are considered to be a  very rare  found only in the mountains of Ehime, on the island of Shikoku. 


They are similar to  chickens in appearance and   by most accounts are roughly the size of a turkey. 

They are easily recognized by their brightly colored feather's and bright red comb, which  looks like  tongues of a flame. 


However their  most notable feature is their breath, which flows visibly from their mouth like a dragon’s fire; though, the flame gives off no heat, nor does it ignite combustible material.

Basan are very rare and entirely nocturnal, sightings are rare and little is known about their behavior. They make their homes in remote bamboo groves, far from human activity. 


Their diet consists of charred wood and embers, and they have been known to occasionally wander into remote villages at night to feast on the remains of bonfires or charcoal. When pleased or startled, basan beat their wings, creating the distinctive rustling “basabasa” sound from which they get their name. People who have witnessed this action report that the birds vanish into thin air when they realize they have been noticed.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Yokai Myths: The Harionago or Barbed haired woman




                       -- Barbed Haired OR Hook Haired woman--

My first post of 2021, this month's posts will mostly be Yokai :)


Japan the Land of the rising sun, is full of fascinating  myths and legends with yokai of all shapes and sizes.

Today's post is about a long haired fem-fatal called the Harionago.

She's a Human like yokai that is considered very dangerous.

Alternative spellings...

Harionago, and in some areas  Harionna ...

This long haired vixen  is as dangerous as she is beautiful, those unfortunate enough to encounter her

often meet an unfortunate and painful end..


The Harionago is believed to resemble  a beautiful young woman with very long hair..

However, unbeknownst to her potential victims her hair is tipped with extremely sharp thorn-like barbs.

She has full control of her hair, and she can use it to lash out like a whip, wrap around a foot
to trip you or simply use it to ensnare her target.

She is believed to wander the roads of the Ehime prefecture in Japan on the island of Shikoku.
When she finds a young man to her liking, she will laugh at him, and if the man laugh back,
she will drop her barbed hair and quickly attack. 

                     About Ehime|Visit Ehime - Ehime Tourism Information


She is a fast and rather fearsome yokai, not only for the speed f her attack's but also for the
fact that at first glance she looks just like any other girl with long hair.

Her favorite haunts are the dark road of Shikoku late at night, She looks like young woman
with loose and somewhat disheveled hair.

However with a closer look, the tip of each of her hairs are  fitted with a needle-like
barbed hook , unfortunately  if you are close enough to her to to notice the hooks, it is
probably already too late for you.

She wanders the streets always in searching of new victims, her favorite victim is usually young
single men walking home alone late at night.

If she takes an interest in a passerby, she smiles at him. (or sometimes giggle) If the smile
back or acknowledges her, she will attacks... she lets  her hair down, and the barbed ends
lash out with unimaginable speed and seemingly a will of their own though she can control them at will.

The barb's begin  sinking deep into her victim’s flesh.

Her hair strength is  said to be comparable to steel cables, it is so strong that even the
strongest man can be easily overpowered by her hooks.

Once her victim is ensnared and rendered helpless, she rips him into pieces with her hooks
and then eats the remains.


If you are relatively fit, and your home is VERY close to where you encounter the Haironago, you
may have a very slime chance to escape her.

If you do manage to somehow escape her grasp, she will still chance you and continue to try and break into your home.

Like most Yokai she will vanish at  sunrise, so if you can survive her attack until then you will be safe.

However you may need to buy a new front door as the old one will have large gouges and slashes taken out of it from  her vicious attack.

So the next time your out late be cautious of whom you interact with, and maybe don't try to pick up strange girls you just meet lol.